Division Heads Chat Log #1 (selection)

On Jan 24, 2018, I began this post: http://owleyeview.blogspot.com/2018/01/time-to-name-drop-and-protect-newbies.html I have updated it as recently as Feb 28, 2018.
On Thursday prior to Jan 29, 2018 (Jan 25), a conversation began at 7:02 PM, entitled JME Div Heads. I received the log of this conversation on March 6.
Selected comments are as follows:
T: Jeff started this company for the attendees...everything is about the attendees. Jeff is not going to cause harm to anyone at Wicked Faire - period.
E1: I agree. I definitely think it should be suggested to Jeff that he not be at the event. I think it is a PR Nightmare and I think he is putting himself at risk. I think it would be better for the company as a whole if he wasn't there so that we could start doing damage control immediately
E2: We've been receiving reports for months. Picketing because of his consent violations has also been planned for months, as others here can confirm.
T: Yes, and this attack was supposed to happen this weekend, or immediately after, but Jeff's post about seeking staff made it impossible to postpone.
M: S****'s is extremely dubious. H*****'s is a bad relationship that shows he's a bad dom but not a threat. K****'s own story indicates that she gave consent, although, again, bad dom, accepted consent from a bottom in sub space.
T: And - I really need to be blunt here - this is a time we all need to stick together, rally around JME, and take a unified stance. If ANY of us honestly believes Jeff is an evil, monstrous, rapist serial predator who deserves to never work in the community he helped create - then perhaps this is not the right staff for you to be a part of.
M: Without Jeff Mach there is no Jeff Mach Events. Others have tried to duplicate it and failed. That mad creative genius with a tendency to promise things he can't fulfill has something that allows him to create events that no one else can.
M: I put no stock in "multiple people". I've been on the wrong end of those "multiple people" have said situations too many times to give any credence to that kind of hearsay.
T: They'd be risking jail time, for what? Not much.
J: Sounds like we have shit insurance
E2: Has that ever stopped protesters before?
T: It depends on the spine of the protesters And I don't think this crowd is very ballsy.
E2: We absolutely have the cheapest insurance available. It has high deductibles and basically sucks.
E1: Hi, sorry more things from the peanut gallery. What will stop them is when the news shows up. Because these are a bunch of kinksters and I bet the last thing they want is their faces attached that
T: That's not inaccurate, heh.
J: We can have security post outside the entrance of the parking lot s
E2: Yes, outing people will earn us tons of good will with the community...
T: Yes but we can ask him to do that and if he does, the press release (or similar) can be worded properly to help that. I don't think it's any less adult to want to attend something you spent years and thousands of dollars building
M: The challenge is to make something that sounds like an admission of responsibility without sound like admission of guilt or gaslighting... which may be impossible
A: Right, I get that. In this case, I believe a temporary separation of JME and JM needs to happen and that needs to be brought to the public's attention for the sake of both JME and JM
J: I also think that all these people got together to fuck us over, and tear us apart
T: I also don't see why he couldn't stay on in marketing in the background, if he stepped back temporarily. Yes, they did, that has been confirmed
M: I've been studying what makes JME tick for a long time. The secret sauce is the authenticity that Jeff brings.
T: I won't go into detail here, though
E1: I am definitely saying that some of these people are definitely making s*** up to f*** Jeff over. There are definitely some of these people that I was actually there for with the situations that they are talking about that it absolutely did not go over that way. Yes I'm calling the liars
M: I will absolutely say that people made shit up to fuck Jeff over.
E1: However all of the consent allegations? I don't know anything about those
T: I will also say that people made ** up ti ** him over. And it was timed, and planned.
M: Happened way to fast to just be coincidence
E2: I doubt the validity of some things, but a lot of it has been documented for months just not publicly.
E1: Right. But not sickly nobody's looking at any of that. All of the people who were banned from our company, quit, or fired or suddenly all grouping together to tell us how horrible we are
T: The Avengers are having a meeting tonight specifically because they are causing massive collateral damage and they can't stop it like they thought they could
J: I’m going to say that there is some partial truth about the two situations I was present at, but people are definitely lying and over Exaggerating things because they were let go from the company, or as Jeff’s partners
E1: Hey just wanted to ask a quick question, you keep saying that all of this is b*******. Do you actually have some proof that it is that we don't know about that can change things around?
M: Who's that question for? Which b*******?
J: Sadly no, because it becomes a he said she said game
E1: I mean I completely understand what you're saying if you are just making offhand comments but I just wanted to remind you that at the event everybody is going to be listening to everything you say and they are immediately going to think that any statement like that is you invalidating somebody who says they were attacked
J: Oh I know this is just talk between us
M: To reiterate, from where I stand, we are suggesting that Jeff should not attend because it is the best for security and because it gives a space to avoid exacerbating the situation. We are NOT saying he should stay away because we have lost faith in him. We are NOT saying he should stay away because we do not support him.
M: His response that I saw was actually pretty good, but he could commit sepuku and people wouldn't think his apology was sincere.
E2: Did you see the post that broke down his gaslighting?
M: We actually need a PR expert more than a lawyer. Yes, I did. It's bullshit
The following morning (Jan 26th):
R: My apologies that K*** and I weren't available for this, we needed mental health time (not from JME, from life). I agree with Jeff being asked not to attend. I believe the public perception will be that he is guilty until proven innocent for every single infraction he's accused of, whether official or heresay. I only mention that because I do not believe we will be able to run the event the entire weekend. We will be shut down by the police or by attendees/vendors/staff who want to see the company fail. There are two types of people involved in these accusations: people who were actually victimized and people who are using this as an opportunity to see or cause the company to fail.
T: Does anyone have confirmed reports of vendors or performers, or even attendees, being harassed or threatened?
A: I do not
J: Nope
Sounds like they fucked up and they are trying to cover their tracks
Just the stuff p*****, M******, and G***** posted about reposting we he created
E1: While all of their feelings are valid and I value their opinions the one thing that hasn't sat right with me the entire time is no one from this group has sent us an accusation in email format
E2: 1) THE has our ban list. They are supposed to check it against people. (At least that is my understanding) 2) programming vets all performers. **Harder at non kink events because we just give out badges in lumps. They could technically be going anywhere. ** 3) volunteering does the same. *note most other departments have internal ban lists. 5) vending does the thing. 4) we check the staff and comp list. Pretty much anything we add to the coil doc I believe we are responsible for. @J*** with all due respect I have things I need to do, and while I am currently hired to assist with questions people have about institutional knowledge I can't lay out "all of our policies". Those complaints were about programming guests. They were in the doc. G***** missed them.
J: We all have shit todo ok , we are dealing with a crisis cut us some slack
T: That's all fine and well but they need to not be missed again
E2: If you want to create a program which matches names on a list to names on the other lists, that would be helpful.
T: And E2, the phrase "with all due respect" usually meant the opposite, so please try to word things a bit better.
E1: So last night some things were said. One of them was something along the lines of if you think Jeff is a monster this is the wrong place for you to be and there was something also about this being the time where we all need to stick together. I agree with both of those and because of that I would like to give my official standing on everything. I do not believe that Jeff is a predator. I also do not believe that Jeff is a purposeful considered Violator. I do believe that Jeff has made some mistakes that he's going to have to make up for. There have been allegations made against Jeff regarding his mental health that I cannot confirm nor deny. I believe that if there are mental health issues that are attributing to these actions or could contribute to further actions then there needs to be help gotten on his part. I want to make it very clear to everyone that I do not believe that a permanent ban is necessary. I do believe a temporary separation may help but I also do not believe that one needs to be enforced if everyone is not in agreement. If there are other things that people have questions about that need to be discussed with the division heads or if anyone has any questions further about where I stand that anyone feels should be voiced please let me know and I will be happy to do so. I know this isn't anything that we were talking about and it seems a little rain. It's just some things were asked in the past by people and some things were said and I felt it necessary to come forward and just make it public on how I feel. You're all wonderful. Back to work
R: K***** and I will be there from Thursday to Monday barring extenuating circumstances (I work in government and if this thing goes completely and uncontrollably off the rails, I'll need to leave) We will do what we always do... Our jobs and help or other divisions as needed. We do this job because we like the people.
R: And by "our jobs" I mean I'll make a total shit show look like it was awesome and planned that way all along lol I. Fucking. Love. You. All.
T: Hey, with enough glitter, a turd can look like a gem, right?
M: Just popped in for a second. Agreeing with E1. Anyone on the team should support Jeff. And I'd like to point out that every event without exception looks like a shitshow one week out.
E1: Yeah what is the question we've been talking about a lot of stuff Hey just so everybody knows, that big thing about us letting in a band person was all a bunch of shit
T: ? The question of Jeff attending Wicked and a public statement
E1: Apparently the person involved who was supposedly removed from our event wasn't actually ever removed from our event. Furthermore if they were still in a poly Triad with the person who was accusing them. The accusation came out afterwards after the event after the person had gotten into a fight with him and his wife Said person was never banned
E2: What are the statement and the answer?
M: What? Bullshit? Say it ain't so? I just heard that Jeff was 40 in 2006 from the Internet.
T: Jeff will not be attending Wicked.
E1: nods that's unfortunate but I completely understand
T: He has also directed me to begin the process of finding a new company name that we can transition to
E2: I think that is the most reasonable decision.
M: I think that is capitulation to evil, despicable people.
T: That part isn't set in stone and if he does want us to change it, for real, then I plan on suggesting JME at the name
M: I'm a little incensed at the moment. Just read S******s story, in which she says that she approached Jeff when she was of legal age and consented then explains why her consent didn't count so he's a predator.
T: No, he is not leaving the company or the events, just not being the public face
M: Every asshole is going to share it because you can't twist words that you can't see I would just like to make very clear that I feel that evil and injustice has won a great victory today.
T: I agree, to a point. BUT. He is not going anywhere He just isn't going to be the face of Wicked. This information is internal ONLY
M: Jeff created something amazing that no one else could have created. Then he did it three more times. Small minded, selfish, greedy people, not understanding his value worked to undermine him, steal his company, and, when they could not get their way, launched a smear campaign based on lies, innuendo, and misrepresentations to ruin his reputation and take that which is most valuable to him.
T: and is not to be repeated But he has said he will not go to Dark Side either, nor any other events. Which is why I'm crying. I respect his decision, though. And we can try and make him reconsider when this shit blows over.
M: There won't be any fucking picketers. They knew that if they pushed Jeff hard enough he'd fold, and he did, and now they win. And who will be the next victim of the mob?
M: Unless the entire staff is fully behind him, it doesn't make sense. I have read every accusation. I've read every link I've been able to find. Nothing in the primary posts are damning enough to justify this.
T: We know there is more coming, though.
M: It's a smear campaign relying on the laziness of people not looking for original sources and their excitement to see another witch burned.
M: We know that the conspiracy against him is not done with their plan, yes.
M: OK, so let's have the conversation I wanted to have yesterday First, let's look at what the accusations are, then look at what the right thing to do it I am aware of three primary sexual allegations: C******, H******, and S****. Are there others I am not aware of?
E2: Has it occurred to you that not all of the accusers have come forward publicly and some may not wish to come forward publicly at this time? Or that maybe other people are acting with information you don't have?
T: The mediator is working actively to investigate several cases
M: No, this is my first rodeo. Please explain how a smear campaign functions?
M: I have a considerable background in dealing with false accusations and the political weaponization of accusations.
T: I don't think he needs a background in consent violations to have a moral code and common sense.
M: For those who have not read them, let me summarize: C****** says that Jeff asked her to participate in a scene in the dungeon at GKE, got her into sub space, and asked her to consent to being handed off to two other partners. She says that she may have nodded, but claims that consent in sub space is not valid consent H**** says that Jeff, among other things, during their relationship would hypnotize her to sleep, share medication with her, made her to company work because she was his sub, and that the relationship was not a healthy one, but she does not claim that he ever did anything to violate express consent
E2: So why are they acting as though they know what they are doing and feel confident in labeling this a witch hunt? There are entire classes talking about why subspace, an altered mental state, is like other altered states when it comes to consent.
M: S****, just posted her full story. she actually says this: I knew of Jeff and his events. He had the respect of a community, he had charisma, and had experience with bdsm. I approached him and he agreed to meet me and teach me." She then claims that even though she gave enthusiastic consent through the entire thing and was legally of age, it was not valid consent because she was 16 (which I believe Jeff did not know at the time)
M: OK, so there are the three allegations. I would like to know who here stands with Jeff if these are true, and who does not. And for those who do stand with him, what in the next allegation could change your mind.
E1: I'm sorry but my belief is that if a minor sneaks into somewhere that's meant for adults then they get tried as an adult
M: To be clear, I'm not saying Jeff did things that were not wrong in some way. But we all make mistakes. We shouldn't all be run out on a rail for them.
M: What S*****? That wasn't at an event This was 2006 She knew him from Contra dancing. He was just some guy who ran an event no one had heard of
A: I just want to take a moment and say a few things. This has been draining for everyone, but what angers me more than anything is that there are several posts blaming the staff, executive staff specifically. But what gets me is that while I am not part of the consent board, I am not someone who usually gets attendees talking to them about things like harassment and assault, I feel responsible. And I can't do a damn thing about it. I couldn't do a damn thing about it if I knew it was going on. And I'm pissed about this whole thing. I'm pissed this has changed the company (though happy we're making positive changes), and I'm pissed that its founder has felt he needs to remove himself from all events.
A: E2 I know you can't disclose specifics. But the "i know something you don't know" prose within this group is what's irritating me. Why not just say, "There are additional investigations that are under way through the mediator" That's all. I don't want specifics.
M: E2, are there accusations that are more severe than the ones currently being presented?
T: I thought I did say that, I'm sorry, did I communicate poorly?
E2: Because these reports predate that system.
M: Meanwhile, I'm going to call Bank of America and ask them to void my old credit card debt. I was young. They took advantage of me. It seemed good at the time, but now I realize that it was bad.
E2: Jeff has a position of power within the community.
M: In 2006?
T: He did not in 2006 So it is a moot point.
M: He was about as influential as I was in 2006.
T: M****, please continue.
E2: What was he doing having scenes with 16 year olds in 2006?
T: NJ age of consent is 16
M: Not knowing they were 16. Accepting a request from a new sub to get training from a dom
E2: Jeff stated he knew she was 16 in a post he made in the staff group if I'm not mistaken.
T: It does not matter if she was 16, it was legal and consensual
M: Let me lay out where I'm going. I see three allegations. I have read all three. Even if they are all completely true as written, I would stand by Jeff. I would say he did bad things. He made mistakes. I wouldn't recommend anyone date him. But he is not a predator, rapist, child molester, and he should not receive the ultimate punishment of what is effectively having his life's work taken away from him. When I say I stand by Jeff, that is what I mean. And I stand by Jeff.
T: I do as well I stand with him, period. I also stand by his decisions, especially because he took the time to make them - but I am hoping after Wicked, we can roll back his self-imposed exile publicly
T: He plans to use the time not at Wicked to begin picking apart the lies and work on the cookbook
T: Okay, I will begin: I do not believe the allegations, but even if they were true as written, I know Jeff is not a monster or a rapist or anything of the sort. I think his punishment and trial by public is shitty and bullshit and shouldn't have happened. I stand with him and by him. Next?
M: If they are true as written, they might be bad judgement, but any one of us, if the worst 5 parts of our lives were laid bare by our ex's would probably look pretty bad. I stand with him.
J: I think that letting things cool off is the best things. We keep jeff directing from Home. We should never rule anything out from anyone, so Jeff must go through all the checks. I stand by Jeff because all of this just doesn’t add up to me, specially after how perfect everything came together.
A: I will say that I will stand with the company. You are all family, the performers, the vendors, the attendees. I want this machine to keep rolling along. I respect Jeff's decision, and I will support Tammy in her role.
M: I've had it up to here with your "I know something you don't know." If you know about an allegation, you should let us know. You don't have to tell us who, but now would be a good time to share what.
E2: I will not under any circumstances violate the privacy of any victims that have come forward to me in private. You have absolutely no right to that information. It violates our actual written policies. Even sharing stories, which I can tell you from personal experience leads to people inadvertently getting outed. I actually care about victim's rights. Jeff stood on these ideas. They are the foundation of our consent policies. If you don't like them, I'm not sure why you started working here in the first place.
T: That is not what he is asking you to do, E2.
M: You mean in 2008 when I started here? I started working here because I was working with one of the best event organizers in the world
T: He is asking for general information on information we could use to help soften the damage this company is sustaining
M:Is it a rape allegation? Is it an assault allegation?
T: He doesn't want specifics. He wants a general idea. No names, no stories. We need to know what to expect.
M: Did he eat a child? Did he fuck a monkey?
R: I WAS on the consent violation team, and aside from anything that was brought up that happened at the last event, I know absolutely nothing about any violations at all.
M: That's interesting.
E2: With all due respect R**** you were not one of the three people on the consent team. You were certainly very helpful onsite, however you were a part of almost nothing we dealt with offsite.
T: And actually, there have been allegations made about staff, other than Jeff.
M: All of these accusations are old. Some are really old. I don't know how to make it not sound like shifting blame, but I'd like to see some mention of the fact that the process of reform has been ongoing. There are three basic issues: sexual misconduct, event safety, and failure to fulfill promises. Sexual misconduct is why there's such a bruhaha, but the failure to fulfill promises was the kindling that they used to stoke the fire
M: In 2006, I was removed from leadership in the Come Again Players which I founded because I have inadvertently done things to make people uncomfortable, and it took 2/3 of the cast voting me out to allow me to learn what I had done wrong. I understand the place he's in.
E1: He just hasn't learned yet
M: Took me about 9 months after I got booted to learn. Took me about 6 to stop being angry.
M: E******** practically states in a locked post that she is one of the people orchestrating this.
M: Initial post: I am watching a bridge catch fire, and it is glorious. It's okay, the bridge was VERY flammable and the walkway had a number of broken stairs
M: In a comment she says: Also, as far as Wicked is concerned, Jeff is currently left with about 10% of his original staff. He fired about 80% of his staff on Friday, and another 10% went with them. He then posted a plea for new staff on his Facebook page
E: But he hasn't fired anybody
M: So, you believe we're dealing with a conspiracy yet?
T: (I already knew we were.)
M: E1, now do you understand why I want Jeff to come to Wicked Faire, so we can shove it in the fucking, worthless, pieces-of-shit's piece-of-shit, worthless fucking faces?
R: M: I understand why you think the way you do. However, I believe we need to take a "make attendees feel like we're on their side" stance, not a "we can't let the terrorists win" stance. Our image to our attendees is more important than shoving it in the assholes faces.
M: I am writing in regard to the recent allegations that have been made regarding my conduct both personal and professional. [you mean that you're a rapist?] The past few days have saddened me greatly and I know they have been difficult for the entire community. [because we found out you're a rapist] I wasn’t aware of the extent of the problems and miscommunications until you all started speaking out about them. [you call rape a miscommunuication?]
M: I have an inner asshole that I keep in reserve for, well, warfare
E1: So agreeable Agony dropped our event because of what happened and they made a public announcement on FetLife
T: J***** quit And A***** quit. We lost a couple volunteers But that was all after Tuesday
T: Jeff is adamant that the payment issues is not all that bad
M: Like most people, we were shocked by the allegations regarding Jeff Mach that have come out this week. While some of the allegations were over a decade old, some of more recent ones were still concerning. However, as people who work closely with Jeff, we do not feel he is the monster that some people are making him out to be. He is a flawed man, and perhaps a public accounting is what he needs to realize that there are some things he needs to change. Jeff is taking the time to step back and address those most important things, especially those failings that have led him to hurt people when he did not intend to. As his staff, we support him in his efforts to improve and stand by him. We look forward to, after a period of reflection for him to learn the ways that he must improve, his return to his work that has brought joy to so many. Ultimately, that is why we are all remaining with the company and continuing in our roles. For all of his flaws, Jeff Mach has built a series of events like no one else could, although many have tried. Over the decade and a half that Jeff Mach Events has operated, thousands of people have found events that gave them a joy that nothing else could. There have been mistakes and missteps, like in any enterprise, but we learn from each one, we improve, we get stronger, and we serve our community better with each passing year. There are some, who for whatever personal reasons, choose to try to tear down rather than build up. Rather than support our community, they spread rumors and seek to destroy what brings so many joy. Some are bitter because they were ineffective in past roles with our company. Others are bitter because of conflicts they had with individuals. Regardless, the company is stronger without, and our communty is vibrant and filled with people who want nothing more than to enjoy good times with friends new and old. We look forward to seeing you, our friends whether you are new to us or well known, next week at Wicked Faire.
T: Yes, that I am okay with - or we use a certain blog you know about Yes, that I am okay with - or we use a certain blog you know about How do those edits look?
M: Better that we act before the Enemy does. They might post something overnight
T: Oh yes K****** is never going to be satisfied with any answer we have
J: Because that’s their role in the grand scheme of things. Make noise and cause uproar
A: Ok folks. I'm tired. I am finishing my whiskey and going to bed. this has been an evening! T, I got you! And apologies to whoever is going to deal with K****....she expects transparency.
A: Oh yeah, side note: Last night I messaged Halo, Karnevil, Daniel Greenwolf, Nigel, The Eternal Frontier, Scott Helland and a few other people. I've asked them for their support not just for Wicked but for future events. I told them that these changes should be for the benefit for the company, and everyone involved and asked for their support. I haven't heard from everyone, but so far I've received nothing but positive remarks. This is good!
R: And here comes the anger brewing: k*** is soooooooo willing to post her sexual assault story all over Facebook, and loves telling people that the consent team shouldn't exist and people should just go straight to the police, but has she taken her own advice? Grrrrrrrrr
E1: Oh! Oh! I heard I got my own personal insult from M*****... Does anyone know what it is?
T: I would prefer it, personally, if no one else could give them to try getting us banned off Facebook for a day
R: Angry people can only stay angry when people give them a reason to. If we don't react, they have no satisfaction and will go after someone else that will engage them. Or they'll get hit by a train. W/ever Sorry. That's not nice. But I'm angry at the angry people.
R: Good. This is the point where their lies unravel and they lose momentum...... Hopefully?
J: I say you let them talk and let it be. This is all they are doing with their time, is kind of obsessive.
T: PC is head of security, aye?
R: Correct. T*****
E: Just was gonna ask Travis is he would prefer a Russian title
T: LOL The short answer is yes, I know, but...uh...I'm not sure any of the mob are smart enough to read it
E1: Do they need to be?
T: I wish they were because if so, none of this would have happened
R: I'm not sure some of them can read English, though.
T: I am sure that none of them can adult, either.
Sat night (M was banned from Facebook for a day due to comments he made)
M: I have returned from exile!
T: “As a volunteer at Jeff Mach Events, you may get access information that needs to be kept safe for the protection of our attendees, presenters, guests, vendors, performers, your fellow volunteers, JME, and of course, yourself. As a JME volunteer, you pledge to: Not share or disclose any personal or private information about attendees, presenters, performers, vendors, staff, or volunteers with unauthorized parties. Not share or disclose any sensitive business information or practices related to JME and/or the event with unauthorized parties. Only share sensitive information about an individual or incident with responding medical or law enforcement professionals when you have consent from the individual(s) involved, or in cases of life or death situations. As always, use your best judgement. If in doubt, assume they are unauthorized and ask a member of JME staff. We’re here to support you!"
A: Getting really really annoyed at the internet's.......why, oh why do former staffers need to latch on to this??? Don't they have real lives??? Let us run this event and move the fuck on. Start your own damn events.....ok, I'm done. I just had to get that out. E1, got any more of that scotch?
M: They did start their own event. It was called Twisted World and it failed.
T: Maybe they should have picked a better name Oh gosh, did I say that?
M: I've been looking at comment thread and I think we need a more organized and unified response to questions. We need a "Questions" page on the web site where we answer questions were getting so we can control the environment where they are read and ensure everyone sees the same responses.
R: That's not a bad idea. But we need to tailor it to people who are genuinely concerned, not people who are just fishing for information.
R: People will complain that their question (which is not at all relevant) isn't answered there, and they will latch onto that and accuse us off withholding information, being non-transparent, etc (I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't already know)
M: Yes, but they'll be doing so in a whiney corner of the Internet and we'll have a microphone. We can't engage with each troublemaker on their own turf where if they like what happens they can screen cap and share, but if they don't, they can just rely on the fact that no one else will see it.
A: Sooooo a thought. We just has Valentine Wolfe drop from Wicked. Perhaps we should be sending out a notice to the performers....I can 100% tell you that they cancelled due to pressure from the Internet. At least one or two people called them out online for appearing at Wicked. I don't want anyone else to drop. I contacted the vendors and performers that I consider friends to ask for their support. I had two vendors not respond and just remove themselves from my group text (M****** and M*****). All performers, however, have given me the thumbs up. But I think that we need to address then as much as we do the attendees. Any thoughts on that?
(pause, page 217)


  1. This is very poorly laid out and it makes everything we're trying to understand difficult.

    Have you considered revamping this blog so it's user friendly, more organized and therefore more reputable in appearance?

    1. Yes, I have considered reworking the blog, but I do work a full-time job outside of this blog and I do not have the time or energy, unfortunately.
