Monday, January 20, 2020

Guest Post - Letter to JM

I'm writing this post directly at you in hopes that you'll read it and take it to heart. I'm trying to write this without any anger, I'm just trying to make you understand why there is such a big "cancel culture" around you running events. So, please, keep reading.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I am a victim of yours. So, you can stop saying that there aren't any victims, I'm here. Why am I a victim? Well, let us look at that. One, you did leave me in a sexual situation with two strangers at a kink event you were running. Why is that bad? Well, because you were running it and up until that point you were putting yourself out there in the community as a big consent activist and when push came to shove you broke your own rules. You chose to ignore your own set down rules, running an event, using someone who was in a volunteer position. I was working as a volunteer at the time of the incident. When you first approached me I thought you had a job for me to do. As the person running the event I was volunteering for, you should not have put me in the position I was left in. That's what makes me a victim.
I've also been a victim at your non-kink events. How? You've offered me sexually to people and offered people sexually to me. I know your response is going to be "it was a joke" but I didn't know and the people on the other side didn't know so that's a joke that's not funny and not welcome. You were the boss of the event, offering people sex, in a context where they probably felt uncomfortable and unable to say no. That makes me and them victims. Using your volunteers as bargaining chips to make performers and other important people feel more important is wrong and shouldn't be done, but you did it. How do I know you did it? Because you did it right in front of me, you've waved your hands at a group of volunteers and told me to my face that any one of them is up for my taking. You've stood with me in an empty room with a big name performer and bragged about my blow job skills. You've told one of your staffers to go find me, tell me to give them a blowjob because you said so. These are all wrong actions coming from anyone let alone the head of an event company at any event, even a kinky one. Until you learn that volunteers are people who are there to assist the event in nonsexual ways only, you shouldn't be running any events. That's why there's such a big "cancel culture" around you. You haven't taken the time to learn this and apologize for your actions, your events are still unsafe for volunteers because you don't seem to notice what you did wrong. You've done nothing to show you've changed, you've done nothing to show you'll do it differently now so nobody trusts you.
Finally, the last time we spoke you claimed to have evidence that I was lied to, that evidence was never brought forward to me and I'm still waiting on it. A word of caution though, if that evidence is essentially you saying that you wouldn't have behaved in the way I feared you would, that's not evidence. That's a statement. I don't trust statements, I trust evidence.

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