Thursday, February 29, 2024

Wicked World's Fair 2024 - information

 I'm trying really hard to gather information and compile it in some way that makes sense. From what I can figure: 

The (volunteer) vendor coordinator asked JM for a list of vendors, talent, etc. JM did not give this information to them. They also asked for a map with the potential event spaces. This did not happen.

Some "other event" was in the hotel and would be out by 5 pm on Thursday. Vendors told they can set up starting at 5 pm. 

  • Vendors coming to set up were left waiting for JM for 2-4 hours;
  • Tattoo artist requires unique space that was not accommodated;
  • Vendors who came on Friday were not given the spots they had paid for. Some had paid for ballroom spots and were given hallway spots:
    • One vendor had booked a double ballroom spot (2 10x10) and was given a small space in the "fireside room."
    • Vendor paid for 10x10, had 6 ft table.
    • Vendor paid for 10x10, had 7x2 space near stage (hazard).
    • Vendor paid for 10x10, had 6x6.
    • Vendor paid for a space, waited 1.5 hrs, told there was no room to set up. 
    • Vendor paid for hotel room vending, was placed in the bar, and then eventually in the hallway.
    • Vendor paid for a 10x10 in the ballroom, was placed in the lobby.
    • Vendor paid for 10x10 in the ballroom, given 6 ft table. 
    • Vendor paid for 20x10, got 10x10.
    • At least 5 vendors were placed in the "Bar with No Name."
  • Rumor has it that at least a few vendors who had paid for spaces were refused entrance. However, JM claims there were still open vendor spaces and sent out an email stating such. 
  • Xentrifuge did not perform because the sound engineer quit due to non-payment on JM's part.
  • One class never added to schedule, performed had to refund people due to this.
  • Navigating the Decline did not perform.

Sunday (final day): 
  • Sit down with vendors in one room. Information that came from this meeting has video proof: 
    • Some vendors had their tables moved to block emergency doors.
    • A member of staff / supporter of JM went to pull her sword to block JM from being spoken to.

Other information: 
  • Part of the ceiling fell? / multiple leaks in the ceiling
  • Vendors were overbooked
  • Tea Party oversold

Hotel maps: 

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