Sunday, March 3, 2019

Mayfaire Moon chat log with Jeff Mach

The owner of Mayfaire Moon shared these screenshots of a conversation she had with Jeff Mach a few years ago in regards to money he owes her father. 

JM: I'll give you $700. 

MM: No. 

JM: Sue then. 

MM: Jeff. You've owed Dad money for years now. I've mentioned it maybe once or twice over that period. I need to settle these things. He has insurance, but this is lymphoma. I need to do what I can. 

JM: I don't have $1500 - $2500. Widdershins has that money. I can't just write you a check that will bounce. 

MM: It was $1500 - $2000, not $2500. 

JM: I need to write an actual check for actual services rendered. Will this money help with treatment to keep him alive or make him comfortable? Is it needed for those things? 

MM: ... I'm going to pretend you didn't ask that. 

JM: Why? 

MM: Because it's a hideously insensitive thing to say.  

MM: He KNEW you didn't make money. So he never pressed you for it.

JM: And I wasn't being nice to you. I was making a complete exception to our rules and breaking them on your behalf.

MM: No I guess you weren't. I think we need to stop here.

JM: Why?

MM: Because I'm getting emotional and don't respond well. I'm angry, I'm hurt and I'm shocked. So I'm going to step back here.

JM: I have a desire to be nice to you. I had a desire to be friends with you. Those things are not things which will make my staff break rules, because I have that desire with every vendor or performer we've worked with for 10+ years, and at this time, that's more vendors than would fit in any one event.

MM: You told me how many times that you COULDN'T break rules for me? That you WOULDN'T? That you had NOTHING to do with vending and your hands were COMPLETELY tied? Now you tell me you were breaking these rules all this time and it was to pay my father back, except you chose not to tell me at the time? Fuck it. I said I wasn't going to respond. I need to go now. Please drop it. PLEASE.

JM: Goodbye.

From my interpretation here, and someone please tell me if I'm wrong, but it sounds as if Jeff Mach owes Mayfaire Moon's father a significant amount of money ($1500 - $2000). MM decided to ask for it when her father was sick with lymphoma. Jeff came across quite callous in his response. 

REMINDER to any independent contractors / small business people: GET A CONTRACT IN WRITING. Be prepared to pursue legal action if you are not paid in the agreed upon time. 

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